Friday 9 May 2014

Do You Feel Thirsty?


This post showcases/ highlights a typical use of the verb tener*.


Imagine you are talking to a relative, a friend or a work colleague. It is quite warm and the other person says: "do you feel thirsty?"

In Spanish, the other person could choose to be less formal and say:
¿Tienes sed?

Alternatively, he/ she could choose to be more formal and say:
¿Tiene usted sed?


A straightforward yes/ no answer could be sufficient. But if you wanted to be a bit more informative you could say:

  • Sí, tengo sed (yes, I feel thirsty);
  • Sí, tengo un poco de sed (yes, I feel a little thirsty);
  • Sí, tengo bastante sed (yes, I feel quite thirsty);
  • Sí, tengo mucha sed (yes, I feel very thirsty);
  • No, no tengo sed (no, I don't feel thirsty);

Now you should practise answering the question:
¿Tienes sed?

*See uses of verb tener below

*Verb tener - Typical Uses/ Expressions

Tener calorTo feel hot
Tener celosTo feel jealousy/ to be jealous
Tener cuidadoTo be careful
Tener dolorTo feel pain/ to have an ache
Tener envidiaTo feel envy/ to be envious
Tener fiebreTo be feverish
Tener fríoTo feel cold
Tener ganas de algoTo look forward to something
Tener hambreTo feel hungry
Tener la culpaTo be at fault
Tener miedoTo feel afraid
Tener pensadoTo have in mind
Tener prisaTo be in hurry
Tener sedTo feel thirsty
Tener sueñoTo feel sleepy
Tener suerteTo be lucky
Tener tosTo have a cough
Tener xx* años/ meses/ etc.To be xx years/ months/ etc. old
Tenerle rabia a alguienTo have it in for someone

*NB Express ages by conjugating tener and replacing xx with a number. For example, I am 18 years old = tengo 18 años.

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